Monday, June 25, 2012

My new favorite flower

These used to be my favorite flowers:

They're Cosmos (Bright Lights Mix).

But now, my favorite flowers are these:

They're called Nasturtiums.  I love the hues of their crepe-paper petals.

They have leaves like mini lily pads and they trail along the ground like a vine.

Best part of all - they deter garden pests!


  1. I have just one growing in a pot and will be adding more next year. I like the leaves as well as the flowers. Thank you for sharing the seeds.

  2. And... you can eat them in salads! I love them as well. Fun to grow from seeds.

  3. Bekah, have you eaten both the leaves and flowers?

    1. no- just the flowers, but they sure make salads look pretty!


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