Friday, September 23, 2011

End of Season

Butternut squash
Today is the first day of Autumn.  I was hoping my baby would be born today since it's my favorite season, but no luck.  As for my garden, there's not much tending that can be done when you can't even see your feet, never mind bend over.   I've managed to get a few 15-minute stints in here and there but didn't expect much.  
Overall, a few things did well: lima beans, purple podded pole beans, green beans, cucumbers, butternut squash, and okra.  We've been up to our ears in okra.  
As for things that did horribly (and when I say horribly, I mean it.  There was no middle ground.  The crops either did so well I couldn't keep up with it or they completely flopped) I got one eggplant that got eaten by something before I could harvest it, about four cherry tomatoes, about a handful of semi-good tomatoes, and no green peppers.  The carrots were worthless by the time I pulled them up. 
Here's some pictures:
Here's the carrot tops.  They look great, right?  Not really.
The longest one was about 1 inch long and I didn't even want to try to eat it...
An okra flower
Cucumbers did really well!
I got a few Baby Boo Pumpkins before the squash borer bugs destroyed the plants.  
White pumpkins have a special meaning to me because they were the
table centerpieces at our wedding.  
Lima beans and okra

More pests!

Tomato Hornworm
Aren't they ugly??!!