Saturday, April 17, 2010

2010 Garden

I started seedlings inside.  I lost a lot in the first round due to dampening off.
 The second round went much better.  I sold a lot of them to friends.  
We got a big pile of dirt to make my new garden area!

Added a trellis to the window box.
Morning Glory by the mailbox didn't do so well because the soil was so poor.
Bench donated by neighbor.
Put out the stepping stones and the arch. 
Salvia came back!
A hawk on the neighbor's fence.
Cucumbers and baby boo pumpkins.
Tomatoes inside.
Butterfly bush, petunia and cosmos.
Failed hanging tomato thingy. 
Rain barrel
Impatient and morning glory in front of house
After the squash borer bugs got to the garden but before the deer did.
Lantana came back for the third season.
Cut cosmos - Bright Lights Mix
The last crop of the season...